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Ugly Stik 6’6” US Lite Pro Spinning Rod, One Piece Rod
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Ugly Stik 6’6” US Lite Pro Spinning Rod, One Piece Rod

Product ID: 460410142
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The Ugly Stik Lite Pro Series delivers on the legendary Ugly Stik toughness, but with a focus on a more lightweight and comfortable feel. Howald Process construction creates a firm, but flexible rod, and cork grips provide slip-resistant comfort, so you can stay on the water longer. Fishing has gotten too pretty. Unscratched sparkle barges with nuclear-powered engines. Rods that act like skittish thoroughbreds instead of unshod workhorses. Fish pictures taken for ‘likes' instead of refrigerator doors. It's time to fish the way it's meant to be done, with tough, durable tackle built to provide ten whopper fish pics for every one of some dandy holding a fancy rod and a fingerling. It's time to fish ugly. UGLY STIK 6’6” ROD: With 35% more graphite than our Ugly Stik GX2, the Lite Pro delivers crisp actions and increased sensitivity, while maintaining the legendary toughness you’ve come to expect. Only available at Walmart. 6-12LB LINE RATING, MEDIUM POWER: Built tough to stand up to what's next. Lure rating of 1/4-3/4 oz. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION: Howald Process construction creates a sturdy, yet flexible rod. DURABLE GUIDES: Stainless steel guides provide excellent corrosion resistance and durability, and eliminate insert pop-outs during rough treatment. REEL SEAT: Graphite reel seats provide lightweight comfort for your hands and protection for your reel. COMFORTABLE GRIP: Cork rod handle is lightweight and slip-resistant, so you can comfortably hold on when fishing gets tough. ONE PIECE FISHING ROD designed for strength that won’t weigh you down. From the makers of the #1 rod series in the world. 7 YEAR WARRANTY: Ugly Stik Fishing Rods are covered by a 7 year warranty you won't find anywhere else.

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

3 days ago

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